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GSVC 2018 U.S. West Region Finalist - Tarjimly: Real-time Translators for Refugees
Tarjimly: Realtime Translators for Refugees
Tarjimly Lets Volunteer Translators Assist Refugees in Real Time
Tarjimly (YCW18): Connecting bilingual speakers to translate for the 23M refugees
Tarjimly - Translation software for refugees
Tarjimly: Translating for Humanity Solution Pitch
Rosselena - Translator Testimonial
What to Expect When Volunteering with Tarjimly
Facebook Messenger Keynote - Tarjimly
Aziz Alghunaim, Co-Founder of Tarjimly | Accelerate Good Global 2019
One Journey Refugee Event - Think Global, Act Local